CGHS 1937

Class of 1937

Christopher Gist Class of 1937

The Graduating Class of 1937!


Pound Historical

This section includes historical information about Pound, Virgnia, and the People of Pound.

Pound Historical

This section includes historical information about Pound, Virgnia, and the People of Pound.

PHS Galleries

Pound High Photo Galleries, photographed and edited by Denise and Frank Gabriele, these photos are of the PHS students from 2007 to 2011.


From Chirsopher Gist to Pound High School, Student, Faculty, and Staff, Yearbooks and Photos are presented in this section.

Traditions and Holidays

This section contains the history and information about traditions and holidays.

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Pound Historical

This section includes historical information about Pound, Virgnia, and the People of Pound.

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Pound, VA - Galleries and Information
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The Graduation Class of 1937


Christopher Gist High School - 1937 Grduation Class

Gloria Hayes Jordan - Jul 12, 2005 Reply to this item
            It's hard to see who's in which row, but here are the names Dad gave me (all listed left to right).   Please feel free to correct spellings, add comments, etc.
FRONT ROW -- Ethel Robinson, Warren Hopkins, Agnes Baker Ellison, Violet Bryant, June Shores
SECOND ROW -- Nell Stapleton Collins, Lola Boggs, Eleta Robinette (hidden), Everett Whittaker, Marie Mann, Miss Eva C. Johnson
THIRD ROW -- Vernell Collins, Senora Powers, Wilma Robinson, Paul Maxwell, Lester Baker, Laura Jackson, Hazel Branham
FOURTH ROW -- Reable Dorton Boggs, Madia Robinette, Donald Dotson, Ralph Hubbard, Ambrose Hayes
NOT PICTURED -- Charles Newman Mullins & Shelcy Mullins (Charles Newman's uncle)

Pound, Virginia 24279


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